Guilermo Del Toro’s Crimson Peak Trailer

Guillermo Del Toro has been more famous lately for all the projects he takes on but doesn’t complete or promises to do than the actual films he makes. Dropping out of directing The Hobbit put a giant five year hole in his filmography. But he seems completely back with Crimson Peak. I loved Pacific Rim more than most and was happy to learn that will be moving forward with a sequel after huge overseas numbers, but it’s very good to see Del Toro working in horror again. His first three films, Cronos, Mimic, and The Devil’s Backbone were all solid and inventive horror genre pictures, but then after his Blade and Hellboy interpretations he gave us one of the best films of the 2000’s with Pan’s Labyrinth. That film is legendary by now and it cemented Del Toro as a critical darling and now hopefully he can repeat that feat with his newest film featuring breakout stars Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain, while also featuring Mia Wasikowska (who’s had some creepy horror performances in Stoker and Only Lovers Left Alive) and Charlie Hunnam who made this film instead of Fifty Shades of Grey (thank God). Feast your eyes on this amazing trailer.

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