Suicide Squad Cast Announced!


Ok so I don’t really know what the Suicide Squad is. I don’t read comics really at all, but I still love comic book movies. And while I didn’t like the first movie of DC’s answer to the shared Marvel Universe in Man of Steel (I actually rather hated it), I still have hope that DC can make some good movies. You also have to take into account there is going to be approaching two dozen superhero movies in the next eight years or so. There’s a real chance on getting burnt out. Just not yet. Suicide Squad is due out on August 5, 2016. So with a few factors already stacked against it for me it’s even more impressive that I’m pretty jazzed for this movie. Suicide Squad is like The Avengers or Justice League, except for villains. I am really, really excited for the casting. David Ayer is directing and he inspired confidence recently with the hit film Fury.  So with no further wait here they are …

Will Smith As Deadshot

Will Smith

Jared Leto As The Joker


Tom Hardy As Rick Flag


Margot Robbie As Harley Quinn


Jai Courtney As Boomerang

Jai Courtney

Cara Delevingne as Enchantress

Cara Delevingne

I think Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn is the most inspired casting out of a group of really inspired casting. Harley Quinn is the most interesting character that hasn’t been explored yet in film. Her part is really dependent on The Joker and after Heath Ledger gave the performance he did it’ll be hard for anyone to come close. You just have to remember that the same thing was said about Ledger in regards to Jack Nicholson’s Joker in the 1989 Batman film. Jared Leto is the most capable of handling this task. Will Smith is in a bit worrying because he rarely does films where he is anything but a hero so I hope they don’t tone things down. Smith and Robbie are in a movie coming up later this winter, Focus, and it’ll be interesting to see their connection in that film prior to making this one. Tom Hardy must like playing DC villains since he already played Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, but those Batman films have no connection to these new run of DC movies. As for the other two, I don’t really know them. Jai Courtney is going to be in the new Terminator: Genisys film, so we’ll see how that goes, but I have my doubts. There’s also the chance that Jesse Eisenberg who is playing Lex Luthor in the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be in this movie as well.  That movie comes out in March of 2016, so to have a super villain follow up so soon after will be very fun to see. Hope these movies work out the best they can.