Chappie Trailer


I’ve been waiting for this trailer for a while now and finally we have it, our first look at Chappie. Neill Blomkamp is the most innovative director working in Sci-Fi. District 9 was a revelation. And granted Elysium was a bit of a disappointment for a follow up, but it sill dealt with great themes and had terrific visuals. I think Chappie, a Pinnochio type story about a robot just granted AI by an inventor in South Africa, is outside the box enough to get the spark that his first directorial effort had. It stars Dev Patel, Sharlto Copley, Sigourney Weaver, and Hugh Jackman.


It also features the film debut of the rap duo Die Antwoord. Blomkamp had been trying to work them into his other films and this one finally worked out. I rather enjoy their music and their unconventional look will be welcome in a unique Sci-Fi film like this. Chappie comes out March 6th. Put this on your calendars.
