Martin Scorsese’s The Audition

Hadn’t heard about this project before today, but apparently a large Asian casino conglomerate has paid Martin Scorsese a lavish sum to make a short film that will feature some of their properties. Even better the short film will feature both of his favorite actors, Robert De Niro from the early portion of his career and Leonardo DiCaprio from his later films. They’re both up for a part in a new film of his and competition ensues. Brad Pitt is also in this film and is only featured for a short moment in the second trailer. It seems a little odd to think that a short film would get two trailers like this, but this is no ordinary short film. Big directors like this often don’t have time to return to their short film roots, but with the dump trucks filled with money delivered to Scorsese and the actors (reportedly $10M each), you get to do pretty much whatever you want. This could be a glorified commercial for the casinos and tourism to these Asian cities, but I don’t think Scorsese would do it unless he had a story to tell with the actors that made his films so successful in the first place. If nothing else we get to see Hollywood from the 70s and 80s clash with that of the new millennium. At this point I’m not sure when this will be released or even how. Scorsese is appointment viewing so if there’s a way to see it I’ll find it.

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